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300 Authenticated Miracles of MUHAMMAD

Miracles are essentially the “Signs of Allah shown to whomsoever He like. The Last Prophet’s abiding “sign” for all time to come is the Qur’an, each verse of which is termed as “sign” (Ayat). More than once the Quran itself threw an open challenge to the proud Arab stylists to match it with their own composition in diction and import. But that challenge has remained unaccepted.

When a miracle takes place, that by itself can not be a direct evidence of prophethood of the person who exhibits the miracle.

However, a miracle impresses people with the fact that the person has the spiritual power needed for the showing of the miracle and that he must be true in his claim of prophethood. Moreover, it has been understood, through the ages, that a prophet always has some ultra-natural powers. Therefore, whenever a claim of prophethood has been put forward, people have demanded a show of miracles. In this way, a miracle is a psychological sign of prophethood.

This book has the unique distinction of making the most comprehensive and systematic approach to the subject. It tries to establish the supermacy of the spiritual world over the material one, for the prophets show to the world acts and deeds which are not explainable in terms of worldly thought and logic.

Written by Badr Azimabadi.

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