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Furqan Visits Fez

This is the first English translation of a key section of al-Ghazali’s Revival of the Religious Sciences, (Ihya’ Ulum al-Din), widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality. Its theme is of universal interest: death, and the life to come. After expounding his Sufi philosophy of death, and showing the importance of the contemplation of human morality to the mystical way of self-purification, al-Ghazali’s takes his readers through the stages of the future life: the vision of the Angels of the Grave, the Resurrection, the Intercession of the Prophets, and finally, the torments of Hell, the delights of Paradise, and–for the elect–the beatific vision of God’s Countenance.

Written by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali.

Published by The Islamic Texts Society

Pages: 380 pages

IBSN: 978-094-6621-42-2

Size: A5 (15.24 x 3.05 x 23.5 cm)

Hard cover

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The spiritual life in Islam begins with riyadat al-nafs, the inner warfare against the ego. Distracted and polluted by worldliness, the lower self has a tendency to drag the human creature down into arrogance and vice. This translation of two chapters from The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din) details the sophisticated spiritual techniques adopted by classical Islam.

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